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A History Nut's Romantic State of Mind

"I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train." - Oscar Wilde

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Her Husband's Harlot
Grace Callaway
A Risk Worth Taking
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Texas Destiny
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Devil's Bride
Stephanie Laurens
Comanche Moon
Catherine Anderson
How the Marquess Was Won
Julie Anne Long
The Rake
Mary Jo Putney
The Other Guy's Bride
Connie Brockway
The Hawk and the Dove
Virginia Henley
A Dangerous Love
Sabrina Jeffries

As You Desire

As You Desire  - Connie Brockway This book really could have been better. I liked it well enough, was a very sweet story and Harry oh Harry so heartbreaklingly heroic. (I really do seemt o have a thing for guys named Harry.) Dizzy is alright, I don't particularly like her nor do I dislike her. It is Harry who made this story great.

But something is missing. I don't know exactly what. I am sorry this is a rather useless review. I wish I could pinpoint why this book did not get a 5 stars from me because I really liked it. I did not connect emotionally, that's why. But why was I not emotionally connected....beats the hell out of me.

But I do recommend this book. Plots are good. Harry is so charming and Dizzy is a sweet heroin. The Egypt backdrop is great, very refreshing. Writing is good too. See? I cannot tell you why I did not love it to pieces. Maybe you would have better luck.