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A History Nut's Romantic State of Mind

"I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train." - Oscar Wilde

Currently reading

Her Husband's Harlot
Grace Callaway
A Risk Worth Taking
Laura Landon
Texas Destiny
Lorraine Heath
Devil's Bride
Stephanie Laurens
Comanche Moon
Catherine Anderson
How the Marquess Was Won
Julie Anne Long
The Rake
Mary Jo Putney
The Other Guy's Bride
Connie Brockway
The Hawk and the Dove
Virginia Henley
A Dangerous Love
Sabrina Jeffries

An Offer From a Gentleman

An Offer From a Gentleman  - Julia Quinn As far as fluffy reads go, they don't get fluffier than An Offer from a Gentleman.

I thought the story really sweet. It definitely has a strong Cinderella feel to it, but very nicely done. I went through the book very quickly because it seems to me that there isn't much depth in the story. Nonetheless, a very sweet tale.

Surprisingly, the most moving part for me was when Benedict's mother, Violet, told Benedict that she wished his father were there, when Benedict told her of his troubles. Benedict said that she didn't say that very often. And his mother sighed and said: "I wish he were here all the time."

Sigh I guess I am more drawn to yearning and losses than happily ever after. As pretty as Sophie and Benedcit's story is, I read it the way I had watched Frozen. (yeah I watched it and there are no children in my household. hahahaha)