ok read, i was however rather bored at about 60% and had to push myself to finish the rest of the story. The problem is that there is no true affection between the lead characters. I get that they get hot with each other because they are "mates" and all but why? Other than strong sexual attraction, constant bickering and denial, there is no relationship.
Reading the first few chapters I thought Emily was supposed to be with this Talorc guy. Then she was adbucted by Lachlan, laird of an enemy clan, also a shape-shifter, like Talorc. Then the rest of the story is just how they are fiercely attracted to each other, Emily being fresh with Lachlan and Lachlan being in denial because he believed he had to marry another shape-shifter so it is a no go with Emily. BORING.
The secondary romance with Cait and Drustan does little for the story. It feels like Lucy Monroe did not have enough to fill the book so she wrote about the second couple to make the page count.
I wanted to like this book. It had an interesting premise and an ok start. But the story fell flat after the first 20% and I just wanted it to be over.