It took me long enough to finish this book.
I had really high hopes for May McGoldrick, which is actually a pair of authors working together. But I read 2 books from the duo and decided their style is not for me. Their style is a bit abrupt for my taste. Things happening all of a sudden and not enough build-up. I feel like I don't know enough about the characters and the plots did not provide the opportunity for them to get to know each other either but boom there it is they slept together.
In this book the hero is bed-ridden. He was injured so became "crippled", gave up on life and was wasting away in bed when heroine came. Heroine was a widow who had suffered greatly in her first marriage and had no intention of marrying again. But when hero's mother approached her and asked her to marry said hero, somehow she agreed. I mean of course the writers tried to make it reasonable. I still found it odd. But anyways they got married and somehow heroine managed to get through to hero (of course because how else is the story going to progress?) So hero was on the mend and guess what he could not move his lower half but they had sex!
At this point the story kind of lost me. I mean I think it is great and all. I had trouble imagining it. Blame it on my po0r imagination. So because he was not able to move his lower half, she was on top. And people, that is how it is done.
I unfortunately, could not feel the chemistry between them. So I found the sex scene really odd. I was not convinced that they were attracted to each other at all. But it could be that I am never much for the "patient/caregiver" kind of story. Another prime example is [b: flowers from the storm|360259|Flowers from the Storm|Laura Kinsale||788122], which I still regret. How I wish I liked that story, but I digress.
There is also nothing Scottish about this book. I don't know why the writers had to make it Scottish. It could very well have been a Regency novel.