I read book at least 10 years ago, having lost all my books when I moved out of the country. I remembered not the book's name, not the author's name. I remembered not the girl's name or the guy's name. But I had a vivid recollection of the story, and the heartaches I felt when I was reading this book.
So when I got my kindle, I went on a mission: I wanted to have this book on my kindle. I was so determined. I went on my search with a story, without keywords, only the memories of a story that broke and then mended my heart.
This is how great this story is.
A girl trying to survive in a farm, with little knowledge in how to run a farm. A guy who wants her land and plans to take it from her by force. I was never much for an Americana story. But I love this book to my bones. A heartbreaking story, of two people who found a safe haven in each other, after much ordeal.
Please read it. It melts your heart but toughens your spirits. The best of any book can offers us.